Catholic Readings First Reading November 20, 2018

Mass Readings

Catholic Ireland

Liturgical Readings for : Thursday, tenth March, 2022
Léachtaí Gaeilge
Side by side Lord's day's Readings

Thursday of  the Commencement Week of Lent


A reading from the Volume of Esther 4: 17
Theme : I have no helper but yous, Lord.

Q ueen Esther also took refuge with the Lord in the mortal peril which had overtaken her. She besought the Lord God of Israel in these words:

'Thousandy Lord, our King, the but i,
come up to my assistance, for I am alone and have no helper but you
and am about to take my life in my hands.

'I accept been taught from my primeval years, in the bosom of my family unit, that y'all, Lord, chose Israel out of all the nations
and our ancestors out of all the people of onetime times to be your heritage for ever;
and that y'all take treated them every bit you promised.
Remember, Lord; reveal yourself in the time of our distress.
As for me, give me courage,

King of gods and master of all ability.
Put persuasive words into my mouth
when I face the panthera leo; change his feeling into hatred for our enemy,
that the latter and all like him may be brought to their end.

As for ourselves, salve the states by your hand, and come to my help, for I am alone and accept no i but you, Lord.'

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Responsorial PsalmPs 137
Response On the solar day I called, yous answered me, O Lord.

one. I thank you, Lord, with all my heart,
you take heard the words of my oral fissure.
Earlier the angels I will bless you.
I will adore before your holy temple. Response

2. I thank you for your faithfulness and love
which excel all we e'er knew of you.
On the mean solar day I called, you answered;
you increased the strength of my soul. Response

iii. Y'all stretch out your mitt and save me,
your manus volition do all things for me.
Your honey, O Lord, is eternal,
discard not the work of your hands. Response

Gospel  Acclamation Joel 2:12-13
Glory to you, O Christ , you are the Give-and-take of God.
Not now – it is the Lord who speaks –
Improvement to me with all your heart,
for I am tenderness and pity.
Glory to you, O Christ , you are the Word of God.

Or Ps 50:12. 14
Glory to you, O Christ , you are the Discussion of God
A pure eye create for me, O God,
and give me again the joy of your aid.
Glory to you lot, O Christ , you are the Word of God.


The Lord be with you. And with your spirit
A reading from the holy Gospel co-ordinate to  Matthew      7: seven-12 Celebrity to you, O Lord
Theme: The one who asks e'er receives.

J esus said to his disciples:
' Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and yous will find;
knock, and the door will exist opened to you.'

' For the 1 who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks volition always take the door opened to him. Is in that location a homo among you who would manus his son a stone when he asked for staff of life? Or would hand him a snake when he asked for a fish? If you, then, who are evil, know how to give your children what is good, how much more will your Father in heaven requite good things to those who ask him.

'So always treat others equally you would like them to treat yous; that is the significant of the Constabulary and the Prophets.'

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you , Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday,        First Week of Lent

T he outset reading is one of the smashing prayers of petition in the Jewish Scriptures. Esther prays to God out of a sense of deep distress and isolation, 'Reveal yourself in the fourth dimension of our distress … for I am alone and have none but you, Lord.' It is often when our need is greatest that we petition God with the greatest urgency. The actually difficult moments in life reveal to usa our vulnerability, our need for help beyond ourselves. In the gospel reading, Jesus encourages us to petition God, not just when our demand is drastic just at all times. He literally says, 'Proceed on asking … go along on searching … proceed on knocking'. Our prayer of petition will not always be responded to past God in the mode that we hoped.

S aint Paul pleaded with the Lord repeatedly to accept from him what he calls a 'thorn in the flesh'. His prayer was not answered every bit he had hoped; he was left with his 'thorn', yet his prayer was non in vain either. Through petitioning the Lord Paul came to realise that God was working powerfully through this thorn in his flesh. God's ability was being made perfect in weakness, as Paul said. Fifty-fifty when our prayer of petition is not answered in the style we want, information technology is never in vain. Our prayer of petition will always open us up to the Lord's working in our lives. In that sense, when nosotros ask we will ever receive, and when nosotros knock the door will e'er be opened. God gives what the gospel reading calls 'good things' to those who petition him in prayer. In today'due south responsorial psalm, the psalmist prays, 'On the day I chosen, you lot answered; you increased the strength of my soul'. When we petition God out of our need, God will e'er strengthen our soul. In the words of Saint Paul, we will exist strengthened in our 'inner being with power through his Spirit'.


The scripture readings are taken from The Jerusalem Bible , published by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd and used with the permission of the publishers.

The Gospel reflection is available with our thank you from Reflections on the Weekday Readings 2021-2022: My Words Will Non Laissez passer Away past Martin Hogan and published past Messenger Publications  c/fworld wide /

For Video Scripture Reflections for next Dominicus's Gospel click here:  https://www.catholicireland.cyberspace/lent-videos/


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